Welcome to Presence Power and Profit

A Guide To Fast Tracking Success
During my early life, I dreamed my life path would be one that would inspire the world. But how it played out still makes my jaw drop to this day.

Like most children, I had big dreams, but as grew up I lost the spark and desire to achieve them. I spent my 20s struggling to understand what I was meant to be doing in life.

Because I’d lost sight of what I wanted to do in life. I did what many people do. I entered the workforce and took any job I could. I spent time ping-ponging from one job to the next until I found a more stable role as a customer care rep at a large automotive manufacturing company.

However, after some years in that role and now in my mid-30s I was never able to get the opportunity to take the next step to climb the corporate ladder. No matter the job, I found my ideas falling on deaf ears and I was continually passed over for promotions by less experienced colleagues.

And this lack of progression took its toll on every area of my life.

The worst part was watching my friends and peers fly by me both professionally and socially. And their success made me more than a little jealous and even resentful.

That is when I made some critical discoveries that allowed me to finally find my way and my place in life. I discovered an inner drive and desire to crawl out of the hole I was stuck in and live a fantastic life.

Now I’m here I can find true happiness, realize my dreams and become the best possible version of myself.

I made it my duty to help others to reach their goals and unlock their utmost potential.

The last few of years, I have been fortunate to work with so many inspirational people to find out what it takes to enable everyday people to get the success they deserve, easily and naturally into ANY area of life.

It’s enabled me to appreciate life and everything it has to offer.

It ‘s allowed me to push myself and further my knowledge, so I ‘m able to share real insights and information with people who want to live their best life possible.

To your ultimate success,

Mark Williams
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Success Is In All Of Us. We Just Need To Unlock It. 

Why Many of Us Struggle for Success?

Sometimes realizing the prosperous life we desire can feel like an uphill battle, especially when we feel like we are stuck and not moving forward.

What makes it more frustrating is seeing other people achieve incredible success with little effort. However, living the life we deserve shouldn't be a constant struggle.

It’s a painful reality but for some people success seemingly comes easy, yet for others, it can be a constant struggle and grind to attain the abundant success we all desire and deserve.
Why is it that one person gets the spouse they want, the job they want, the raise or promotion they want while others are passed over?

How does one person seem to quickly and effortlessly get the incredible life they want?

While others strive for it by working hard, and doing all the right things but still never get what they want?

I understand it can seem extraordinarily unfair, but I have a shocking truth to share.

It's NOT luck...

It's not 'good genetics'

It's not that they had rich parents

It's not that they were born smarter.

Or that they are more deserving in ANY way...

It is because they have unlocked their Personal Magnetism and this has enabled them to quite literally become a MAGNET for wealth, happiness, love and success...

What is Blocking Our Success?

We are all born into this world full of hope and wonder and are natural magnets for love, learning, and abundance.

However, somehow, during the course of our lives, our personal magnetism gets muted. And we encounter certain tragedies and events that beat the life out of us.

We go from being happy, abundant, energetic and confident, to somehow getting off-track, and not quite knowing how we got there.

But do remember It’s not your fault because.

It could have happened anywhere in life, and perhaps more than once.

For some people, it’s a nasty bully they had back in school or a negative relationship with one or both of their parents. Alternatively, maybe it is down to a bad relationship in adult life that has stifled our personal magnetism?

We need to stop blocking this success so it will be something that naturally happens to us.

We must realize that everyone is quite naturally BORN to be a magnet for happiness, a magnet for money, a magnet for a wonderful love life, and a magnet for ultimate life freedom.

And unlocking our personal magnetism is the single most significant factor to how much success we experience.

What is Personal Magnetism?

The Presence Power and Profit Program with Mark Williams is a remarkable project that helps people tune into and switch ON the power of Personal Magnetism that can significantly help them replace hard work and struggle with fast, real-life results. 

“Personal Magnetism” is a commanding presence which assists in getting people to listen, pay attention, and act on their ideas. However, most importantly it helps open up the doors of opportunity to succeed. 

And it’s this access to these opportunities which fast-tracks those with personal magnetism to ‘get ahead’ so much faster and easier than everybody else. .

This course is for all who want to step into a world where fast-tracking success is possible.

9 Transformational Benefits of a Magnetic Presence

Improved Relationships
Personal Magnetism enables people to nurture healthier relationships and form stronger personal connections both Romantic and Business - Attracting the attention of others in a very positive way, charming the socks of them and drawing them closer in a short amount of time.
Influence & Persuasive abilities
A Magnetic Presence is important for reading a person`s thought patterns and positively influencing them in a way that opens up greater opportunities. – This incredible personal and career advantage means it is faster and easier to persuade others to pay attention to your ideas.
Superior Career Opportunities
With new business opportunities available getting ahead becomes easier. “get more sales,” “charge higher for services if in business” “Network like a champion” “Get referrals effortlessly, Fast track promotion opportunities and attain a higher salary. “Become a powerhouse negotiator that people love saying YES to.”
Increased Respect & Recognition
Garner more respect, recognition and admiration from peers for things you do that otherwise may be ignored.
Improved Likeability
Become memorable to others, and be someone people can`t help but like and want to be around.
Improved satisfaction and happiness
Feeling like we are winning at life naturally increases overall satisfaction levels. Studies prove when good things happen in life happiness takes over and we feel amazing inside and out.
Improved Communication
For many of us communicating with others can be tough. Discover the short cut to improved communication using tools that make it easy to give off a positive impression to everyone you meet. Capture their attention and keep it. Communicate ideas so skillfully that people sit up and take notice.
Boosted Motivation
When we feel valued there is an instant flow on effect. Boosted motivation and focus to take the leap to reach new goals and improved productivity and performance in everything we do.
Greater success in all areas of life
Find that success is something that just naturally happens as you go about the day. Opportunities will present themselves without having to search them out. This is what it feels like to have the “IT” factor.

Meet Mark Williams

During his early life, Mark dreamed his life path would be one that would inspire the world. But how it played out still makes his jaw drop to this day. 

Like most children, Mark had big dreams, but as he grew up, he lost the spark and desire to achieve them. He spent his 20s struggling to understand what his true purpose was meant to be. 

And because he’d lost sight of what he wanted to do in life, he did what many people do and entered the workforce and took any job he could get. He then spent time ping-ponging from one position to the next until he found a more stable role as a customer care rep at a large automotive manufacturing company. 

However, after some years in that role and now in his mid-30s, he was never able to get the opportunity to take the next step to climb the corporate ladder. No matter the job, he found all his ideas falling on deaf ears and was continually passed over for promotions by less experienced colleagues.

And this lack of progression took its toll on every area of Mark’s life. His personal relationships were suffering. He was always in a bad mood, and he was over 20k in debt.

To top it off he found it difficult to watch as his friends and peers fly by him both professionally and socially.

That is when he made some critical discoveries that allowed him to find his way and his place in life finally. He discovered an inner drive and desire to crawl out of the hole he was stuck in and live a fantastic life.

Now he has found true happiness, realized many of his dreams and become the best possible version of himself. It’s enabled him to appreciate everything life has to offer.

After years of studying the art of persuasion and influence and uncovering what it takes to reach the outer limits of success, While also learning from the most successful people on the planet, He now possess the skills and motivation to carry him on his journey of discovery.

Since then, Mark has helped hundreds of people unlock their Personal Magnetism, so they experience stronger relationships, more opportunities, and abundant success. In other words, finally, live the life they dreamed of and deserve.
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3 Things About Presence Power and Profit

That Make It One Of the Most Powerful Personal Development Programs on the Market to Fast Track Success
Empower the User to Reach Their Unlimited Potential
Presence Power and Profit strives to empower users to unlock and reach their true potential through gaining a fuller understanding of what they are all capable of given the right tools. We have put in place the required building blocks that help stimulate personal growth.
Profound Transition in a Short Time Frame
Just a few minutes a day is all it takes to experience abundant change. This program guides the user through a series of steps, mind-shifts, and discoveries that will leave them with more focus, motivation and desire to achieve anything they can dream up. These improved habits and practices enable them to start living the best life possible.
The Result of Years of Experimenting and Testing
Thousands of hours of learning, researching and creative thinking have gone into the Program. Only the most powerful Techniques and Tips are included so the user gets real and practical information that is easy to apply to any area of life that may be a struggle.

It’s much more than just a program. It is a community that drives you forward.

What is in the Presence Power and Profit Package?

The Presence Power and Profit Program is a Personal Development package that has over 190 pages of essential and engaging information about how to be a magnet for happiness, money, love, and abundance.
It comes with a workbook section inside the main book that will allow the reader to keep track of all valuable milestones and successes they experience as they progress through the program.
If you’re not much of a reader, then there is an accompanying MP3Audio Edition which makes it easy to listen anywhere either on a computer, mobile phone, tablet or car stereo.
Bonus #1. The Live Your BEST Life: 7 part guided meditation Audio Program
Allows people to use personal magnetism to discover their true purpose in life…

Each day there is a different 5 minute guided meditation track to listen to that help stimulate the mind to regain clarity, become energized and full of vitality and reach new goals. Join me on a journey for mind, body, and spirit.
Bonus #2. The Ultimate Influence Private Workshop VIDEO recordings, plus PDF
Internationally renowned entrepreneur Mark Ling walks you through his 8 laws of influence in these dynamic video lessons shot in front of a live audience. 

He teaches people how to take advantage of the mind's ‘psychological shortcuts’ and mold their character into a person people naturally show respect towards, and want to say “Yes” to. These Laws of Influence are a fundamental element in the tool belt of many of the world’s most influential people.
Bonus #3 – The Art of Small Talk Guide
This guide runs through the essentials of small talk. Discover what to say, when to say it so it becomes effortless to start a conversation, keep it going, and feel comfortable throughout. This guide is specially created to cater to people who suffer from shyness and can help anyone master the art of small talk and make it enjoyable.

Features inside Presence Power and Profit

The “IT Factor”
There is a common misconception that some people are born with the “It factor” Psychology shows this isn`t the case. Find out How to unlock the IT FACTOR using 3 specific steps. This helps to unlock the doors of opportunity. And take life to the next level of achievement, success and happiness.
Natural Approach
Presence, Power and Profit is all about what`s already inside. It’s not about becoming someone else. It’s not about ‘fixing’ something that is wrong. It’s about bringing out a person`s best self in an organic way.
Elevated Presence
Gaining others acknowledgement, appreciation and respect can often be a challenge. Inside Presence Power and Profit learn how to create a magnetic presence people can`t say no to. Never again worry about being passed over for promotions or raises, or have ideas tossed aside.
Relationship Building Blocks
Get the Stepping stones to stronger relationships in every area of life. Presence Power and Profit assists in creating lasting bonds be it Career connections, Social connection or Love connections.
Find out how to take advantage of the mind's ‘psychological shortcuts’ so people naturally want to say “Yes” to requests. Be seen as a charismatic leader who people look up to and admire. This is a technique used by many of the world’s most influential people.
Guided Meditation Program
Often it is hard to just chill out. Relax easy with soothing FIVE minute guided meditation tracks to regain clarity, become energized and full of vitality to create and reach new goals. Take a journey of mind, body and spirit and claim the ideal destiny and life.
Communication Tips
Inside Presence Power and Profit is a guide to improving rapport building, conversation starters and overall communication. This is an effective way to captivate people and lift the barrier which often gets in the way of effective communication…
Passionate Romantic Relationships
Frequently when we are with someone for years relationships can get a bit stale. Learn how to light a fire in a romantic relationship while is likely to help create lasting passion.
Customer Support
Incredible fast response customer support whenever help is required. We make sure any problems or question are always taken care of.

The Presence Power and Profit Package

Digital Package

Online Access Only
  • The Presence Power and Profit EBook
  • The Complete Audio MP3 Edition
  • Live Your BEST Life: 7 Part Guided Meditation Audio Program
  • Ultimate Influence Private Workshop Video Recordings, plus PDF
  • The Art of Small Talk Guide PDF
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Digital & Physical Package (Everything!)

Physical Version + Online Access
(+ shipping & handling)
  • The Presence Power and Profit PDF and Book
  • The Complete Audio Edition, CD & Online Access
  • Live Your BEST Life: 7 Part Guided Meditation Audio Program, CD & Online Access
  • Ultimate Influence Private Workshop Video Recordings, plus PDF & Book
  • The Art of Small Talk Guide PDF & Book
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Physical Package

DVDs + Printed Books
(+ shipping & handling)
  • The Presence Power and Profit Book
  • The Complete Audio CD Edition
  • The Live Your BEST Life: 7 Part Guided Meditation Audio Program on CD
  • The Ultimate Influence Private Workshop VIDEO Recordings on DVD, plus PDF
  • The Art of Small Talk Guide Book
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Shaun Langston
Hi, my name is Shaun, and I have been absolutely blown away with my results from Presence Power and Profit.

I really learned a lot about myself and how others view me. It's been 2 months since I read it, and not only do I vibe much better with other people but I have doubled my sales at work, customers are responding to me so much better I reached my target only half way through the month. Very grateful for this thank you.
Hey, I was actually a little skeptical when I first arrived at your website, but I was desperate for something to help me.

I had purchased other books in the past and they were okay at best, but after going through Presence Power and Profit
I was pleasantly surprised, the self confidence part really helped me, I gave the book to my mom I hope you don't mind. Thanks!
Mark Williams provides brilliant insights on how to build and maintain meaningful relationships both social and professional - from contact to connection.

I'm a big believer in the power of a positive first impression. He gets this right and takes it to the next level. He shows you how to Nurture strong, bonding relationships that have sustainability while building a powerful presence. A world of exciting new opportunities awaits.

Money Back Guarantee

I want you to feel completely confident getting your copy of The Presence Power and Profit today, which is why my program comes with a 60 day 100% money-back guarantee!

Simply place your order, download my course and all of the bonuses, and test out my tailored Presence Power and profit techniques.

And if at ANY time during the next 60 days you don’t feel 100% happy with your purchase, simply send me a quick email at support@presencepowerandprofit.com, and I’ll refund right away. No questions asked. It really is that simple.
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Once you have clicked the "BUY NOW" button that is right below this text, you will be taken to the secure checkout page. Just enter your information, and you will then be given instant access to the entire Presence Power And Profit Program

Note: Presence Power and Profit is digital product in PDF and video format to readable on Tablet, Smartphone, and Desktop

Refund Policy: If for any reason you aren't satisfied, send an email to support@presencepowerandprofit.com, with "refund" as the subject line. You will get your money back quickly, no questions asked

The Presence Power and Profit Package

Digital Package

Online Access Only
  • The Presence Power and Profit EBook
  • The Complete Audio MP3 Edition
  • Live Your BEST Life: 7 Part Guided Meditation Audio Program
  • Ultimate Influence Private Workshop Video Recordings, plus PDF
  • The Art of Small Talk Guide PDF
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Digital & Physical Package (Everything!)

Physical Version + Online Access
(+ shipping & handling)
  • The Presence Power and Profit PDF and Book
  • The Complete Audio Edition, CD & Online Access
  • Live Your BEST Life: 7 Part Guided Meditation Audio Program, CD & Online Access
  • Ultimate Influence Private Workshop Video Recordings, plus PDF & Book
  • The Art of Small Talk Guide PDF & Book
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Physical Package

DVDs + Printed Books
(+ shipping & handling)
  • The Presence Power and Profit Book
  • The Complete Audio CD Edition
  • The Live Your BEST Life: 7 Part Guided Meditation Audio Program on CD
  • The Ultimate Influence Private Workshop VIDEO Recordings on DVD, plus PDF
  • The Art of Small Talk Guide Book
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The Presence Power and Profit Package

Digital Package

Most Popular
You will receive instant digital access to the full program which includes…
  • The Presence Power and Profit eBook
  • The Complete audio MP3 edition
  • Live Your BEST Life: 7 part guided meditation Audio Program
  • Ultimate Influence Private Workshop VIDEO recordings, plus PDF
  • The Art of Small Talk Guide PDF
All of which can be downloaded immediately after purchasing.
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Physical Package

Most Valued
Your Presence Power and Profit Program will be shipped within 24 hours purchase and will arrive within the next 14 days. (depending on where you live)

In your parcel, you will receive:
  • The Presence Power and Profit Book
  • The Complete Audio CD edition
  • The Live Your BEST Life: 7 part guided meditation Audio Program on CD
  • The Ultimate Influence Private Workshop VIDEO recordings on DVD, plus PDF
  • The Art of Small Talk Guide Book
You will also gain INSTANT digital access to the full package online.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How fast will I see results?
Some people see (and feel) results almost instantly, but it really depends on your individual needs and how fast the methods mentioned in the program are applied. Most members have reported that they have seen significant positive changes within weeks of application. Therefore the faster they are put to work, the faster the results.
Will this work even if I`ve never felt like success came easy before?
Absolutely, This is only program that shows step by step how to unlock a powerful personal magnetism attracting success easily and naturally in any area of life: Whether it’s financial or career success, success in relationships, success in a creative or artistic pursuit, or all of the above. There’s nothing more straightforward, easier to use, and more effective
Does your program cater specifically to me?
YES, the program was designed based on broad human psychology with techniques, tips and methods which have been used for thousands of years. And age is no barrier, whether you`re 21 or 61 it is never too early, or too late to grab life by the horns and achieve ANYTHING in life.
When will I get the Program?
You’ll get the entire program in just five minutes from now. In fact, It could be sooner depending on your internet connection.

All you have to do is click the Buy Now button above and you will be guided through the 100% secure checkout process. Then review your order and pay via Pay Pal, credit card, or even debit card.

And receive instant access to Presence, Power and Profit, including ALL of the FREE super bonuses… All ready to download to a phone, laptop, or tablet to access wherever and whenever. How easy is that?
What format is the program and will it work on a phone?
The main program is in PDF and mp4 format which means it can be download to a phone, tablet or computer, or any other device to easily access it instantly.
What is your refund policy?
If you decide that the program is not for you within 60 days, then we’ll refund every penny, no questions asked. For physical orders, all returns should be sent to Presence Power Profit c/o Vervante Returns, 400 North Geneva Road, STE C, Lindon, UT 84042.
How much is shipping & Handling?
Shipping & Handling costs are: $15 for all US orders, $25 for Canada, and $25 (minimum) for international orders.
What if I have extra questions?
No problem. It would be great to hear from you. We would love to help you personally if you have any extra questions. Please email us at support@presencepowerandprofit.com. We`ll respond as quickly as possible.

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